Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Iphone Watch South Park


do that has caught the attention of the owner? As this was the target of a campaign that the advertising agency Barcelona On & On launched to sell the unsellable: flies as pets. Behind this initiative was the surreal Japanese company Yonshi & Son.

In fact, this company, which was said to be specialized in this business since 1950 and was a leader in its sector, was the fruit of the imagination Catalan Agency, for all was a campaign of self-promotion of On & On.
"We wanted to prove a powerful idea that we are able to sell the unsellable and that a minimum investment is no reason why a campaign can not be successful," said Xavier Antonell, director of the agency, in a statement after action.
To this end, the creative department of On & On Site designed www.yonshiandson.com , strategic core of the campaign, which has made 60,000 visits to the website of Yonshi & Son in just eight weeks. To redirect traffic to the website, the campaign moved through blogs and social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Also there were thousands of hits on You Tube to videos on houseflies, created by On & On and hung under the identity of anonymous users in the "Fly & Me" on the website of Yonshi & Son.
The campaign was complemented by direct marketing, street marketing and PR. The final phase culminated in the unveiling and subsequent launch of the new website of the agency, www.onon.es .

Tortur Breasts Japanese


Atlantis, the lost paradise described by the Greek philosopher Plato who reportedly disappeared after a major tsunami, could be in Spain, according to an investigation that began five years with a satellite photo.

The texts of Plato placed Atlantis in front of the Pillars of Hercules, instead attributed to the Strait of Gibraltar that marked the limit of the known world, and described as an island larger than Libya and Asia combined.
For years, scientists and lovers of archeology have claimed to have found Atlantis, one of the most recent was an aeronautical engineer in the UK Bernie Bamford, who in 2009 said to have found using the search engine Google Ocean, part of Google Earth and found to be a map the ocean floor.
However, after two years of research, an international team that participated in Professor Richard Freund, American University of Hartford (Connecticut), believes he has located the lost island in the Doñana National Park in the province of Cadiz, southern Spain, he told Today.
"We have discovered a geological pattern is not found in nature," said Freund, who explained that the structure and arrangement of the boulders has been detected shows that human intervention and may be remnants of the former island.
The research, which has the support of National Geographic, has been followed by the channel specializes in serving science, has recreated the discovery in a documentary broadcast in the United States on March 15 at (2400 GMT) and arrive in Spain in June.
She told Freund, in 2003, a team of German scientists, led by Werner Wickboldt discovered in satellite images of the Mediterranean Sea rectangular structures and concentric rings that match the descriptions of the island of the Greek philosopher.
Among the images caught the attention of the Hinojos marsh in which two rectangular structures and the remains of several concentric rings that have surrounded, as indicated by the Greek philosopher in his writings "Timaeus" and "Critias."
Using Plato's description as a guide and satellite photographs of what appears to be a submerged city just north of Cadiz, Freund and the international team tried to locate the island that was 925 meters in diameter and was surrounded by several circular structures, some other land and water.
To determine the exact coordinates of the island, which historians say was buried under water by a great flood caused by a tsunami, have been using a combination of submarine technology, radar depth Soil and digital mapping.
The team of archaeologists and historians led by Freund focused on ground-based measurements and mark where digging, made with carbon analysis confirmed that the layers corresponding to the Bronze Age there are signs that there was a violent storm or a tsunami in the area.
Another team, led by professors from the University of Huelva (Spain) Juan Antonio Morales and Claudio Lozano, focused on the measurement of geological formations that could belong to the area of \u200b\u200bthe former Bay of Tarshish.
addition, analysis radiocarbon events in Madrid and Miami (Florida) indicated that the deadline for a settlement had been in the Doñana National Park is the 2,500 BC, which coincides with the approximation made by historians.
The German scientist said in his research that the Greeks might have confused the Egyptian word for coastal and island translate and transmit history to subsequent generations, which would confirm this finding.
"Jorge Bonsor, perhaps Spain's most important archaeologist of the early twentieth century and was looking for in the 1920's in the park of Doñana Atlantis so this was a famous place to find a famous place, "said Freund.
Finally, he spoke of some of the writers Jalisco have been of great importance for the Mexican fiction, most notably John Rulfo and Agustin Yanez, who was among the largest by Horacio Quiroga and Julio Cortazar, to name a few

Is It Awkward Getting A Brazalian Wax


Geomorphology Research Group Environmental and Water Resources University of Huelva has been scientifically proven the existence of the first recorded historical tsunami on the coast Atlantic and took place between 218 BC and 210 BC This finding will allow a better understanding of these marine natural disasters and understand the history of civilizations.

Now we can try to figure out if the Romans occupied the southwestern Spain from its sole victory in the Punic Wars or the weakening of civilization settled and disappeared because of catastrophic events that of the tsunami, "lead researcher adventure Joaquín Rodríguez Vidal." We have signs geological (sediment) with characteristics similar to those of known tsunamis in Doñana and we have been able to date "resume.
Scientists have reached this conclusion from the study of sediments Doñana National Park, one of the places where they observed morphological and sedimentary evidence unrelated to the normal evolution a coast that has been under investigation for three doctoral theses.
The method of work has focused first on the reconstruction of the coastal landscape Huelva from aerial photographs (provided by the Andalusian Institute of Cartography Board Andalusia) and other photographs taken by satellites, Earth observation Landsat and Spot (and supplied by the National Geographic Institute ). With this data, "we saw how they position the barriers of cost, progress and setbacks," says the researcher.
The next step was to compare the data obtained foot field. To do this, scientists extracted sediment (sand and shells, mostly) different Doñana littoral barriers (marshes and ponds) and studied the composition of the sand, peat (remains of carbon-rich vegetation) and shells (residues arrivals the Huelva coast the tsunami Portuguese 1755).
With this information scientists warned in sediments from Huelva "similar to those of tsunamis, "says Joaquín Rodríguez, after comparison with the sediments studied today in the wake of tsunamis such as Indonesia (2004). These geologists have also been supported in studies conducted around the tsunami that took place in Lisbon in 1755 , a disaster that marked the birth of modern seismology as one of the first to be studied.
Now "continue studying the phenomenon to try to determine the potential for recurrence (repeat) future tsunamis in the Atlantic coast of the Gulf of Cadiz because this is one of the most conducive to suffer undersea earthquakes, which could have an impact on the coast of Huelva, Portuguese and Moroccan " Joaquin Rodriguez adds.
Therefore, one of the main working lines team of scholars is to "find new information about these natural disasters from the analysis of the last recurrence, with the difficulty that so far only had historical evidence of the tsunami in Portugal , 1755, "adds the researcher.
This research group is focused on studying dynamic processes in Earth's outer conflict with humans since the recent perspective and its relationship to human occupation of the territory, ie the action of storms, tsunamis and any other natural disaster.

Ninos Cogiendo Con Una Mujer

The male reproductive effort is reduced the longer the duration of cohabitation with the same partner. Anyone to think bad, I mean non-human animals, of course! This reduction in reproductive effort is reflected in a lower production of sperm in successive matings, courtship less effort and less frequent copulations with their regular partner. As I say, this is something that occurs in many animal species, although it is unclear what the ultimate reason for the phenomenon.

here will be those who think that the reduction in reproductive effort happen in any case with age, even if the male partner change. Not so. It is well known that the interest of a male by a female increases when you access a new female , which is manifested in renewed determination towards the procession and, if occasion of intercourse. A renewed interest in this phenomenon is called " Coolidge effect" and is apparently rather general.
has been found in rodents, for example, you may keep the male copulatory activity based on renewed periodically go to females who have access until they are literally exhausted.
rule, reproductive activity involves somatic costs (fewer resources to increase in size) or survival (higher mortality), and this implies that a high current reproductive effort associated with a lower residual reproductive value. The existence of these costs may be the reason why a reduction in reproductive effort with the same partner. But this reduction may also be because the benefits may be derived from successive copulations will be dwindling.
Some have used the "Coolidge effect" to assess to what extent the reduction of reproductive activity in males was due to either of these two factors. It has done so by manipulating the access to females of male guppi (Fish million) and then evaluating its growth rate and reproductive behavior. A recent notice of that assessment. The
guppis or guppies (Poecilia reticulata ) are very well known in the world of aquariums. Males develop
courtship activity outrageous, matching courtship display permanently. The females choose males according to their color patterns and the characteristics of the courtship display. In most cases of male courtship is not successful, so that activity certainly ends up being costly, because the time devoted to it is not engaged in feeding, for example, and carries a significant energy expenditure.
The guppies are ovoviviparous. Females develop eggs inside until they are mature. The eggs hatch within the female and the fry out and fully developed. Males court females from that, three months of age are sexually mature. When a male "copula" or has access to a female, is placed next to adopting an "S" and use the gonopodium to throw packets of sperm. The female, although it has been fertilized and develop inside eggs, sperm can save part of it has launched the male to continue fertilizing her eggs with the sperm.
In the work to which I refer, males spent guppi four times longer time courting females than females known unknown. Made, therefore, greater efforts were renewed player when females had access, and also devoted less effort to feed. As a result, its growth rate was lower and reached the maximum size. Therefore, in guppis not only produces the Coolidge effect, but involves also evident somatic costs.
The reduction of reproductive effort of males to females and "known" can be beneficial for two reasons. On the one hand, if the male has already been rejected earlier by a female, no efforts will be made surely be useless to court again. On the other hand, if the male has recently copulated with a female, each successive copulation will result in a "performance" ("fitness") smaller, it is quite possible that already a number of fertilized oocytes of the female, the latter is consequence of the fact, already noted, the female can retain some of the spermatocytes of the male to fertilize their eggs later.
Thus, at least in this species, males lose interest in mating with females that they are "family" or which have mated and do not seem to be due to the costs incurred by it, but because is becoming less "performance" which is expected to try to obtain the same females. As seen, the renewed interest in courting new females indicates that the issue of costs does not constitute any limitation, because it shows perfectly willing to assume these costs with the new arrivals.
The reproductive biology of fish million has little to do with the human species, of course, but I'm sure many readers will have come down here thinking it may have very different fundamentals, but that the effect also applies Coolidge our species.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Masterbate On The Bus

me to find an acquaintance

cartel and abuse of trust with your friends in shops to hang him. Thank you very much.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Alcoholic Acute Pancreatitis

Without words ... Http://ciudadencuetro.forosactivos.com

Can A Felon In Colorado Own A Bow


The newspaper never replace the internet.

Here are some of the most important uses of the newspaper.


* Ripen plantains.
* Pick up trash.
* Clean the windows.
* Making mountains manger.
* Align wobbly table legs. * Package
dishes in the move.
* Cover the floor of the bird cage.
* Pick up dog poop.
* Cover furniture and floor before painting.
* Prevent water goal under the door.
* De protector on the floor of the garage if the car leaks oil.
* Killing Flies, cockroaches and other crawling insects.


* Hitting the dog on the snout when he pees in the house.
* Cut letters and photos for the duties of children. * Develop
puppets or piñatas.
* Make paper boats.
* Taking off the white bit on top to record phone numbers.


* Widen shoes.
* Fill the bags to retain its shape. * Package
nails at the hardware store.
* Make a hat of a painter or a mason. * Employ
sellers and journalists. * Wrap
* Cut patterns for dressmakers and tailors.
* Wrap boxes.

* To turn coal barbecue.
* Fill in the boxes of surprise gifts.
* Making the Sorcerer's funnel water away.

* For the kidnappers used his lyrics in the letters.
* To put on the bench and no staining in the park.
* Make balls and hit them with classmates.
* As the rain umbrella finite not damage the hair.
* For 'bad', in movies, hide the gun .. * As
pouch to the knife ham.
* To hide behind him when he want to see you.

AH !!!!... AND FINALLY, FOR get their news.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Color Should Shutters Be For A Blue House


citizens of Iceland are given a lesson to the world

Friday, March 11, 2011
By Jivago
NO NEWS FROM ICELAND: Please distribute to all your contacts. Let it be known. We tenenmos power.
If anyone thinks that there is no censorship today, tell me if it has been known and everything that happens in Egypt, because newspapers have not said anything at all about what happens in Iceland:
in Iceland the village has a government to resign full major banks were nationalized, it was decided not to pay the debt that they have created in Britain and the Netherlands because of their bad financial policy and just created a popular assembly to rewrite their constitution.
And all of this peacefully. A revolution against the power that has brought us to the current crisis.
I here, why are not released for two facts years
What if the other EU citizens take example?
This is, briefly, the history of events:
2008. It nationalized the country's largest bank. The currency collapses, the bag suspended its activity. The country is bankrupt.
2009. Citizen protests outside parliament to be convened achieve early elections and lead to the resignation of Prime Minister and members of his government as a block. Continues the bad economic situation.
Under legislation proposed repayment of the debt to GB and the Netherlands by the payment of 3,500 million euros, a sum that will pay all monthly for Icelandic families the next 15 years at 5.5% interest.
2010. People get to take to the street and asked to submit the law to referendum.
In January 2010 the President refuses to ratify it and announced that there will be consultation.
In the referendum held in March and NO to sweeping debt with 93% of the vote.
To all this, the government has begun an investigation to resolve legal responsibilities of the crisis. Begin the arrests of several senior bankers and executives. Interpol issued an order, and all the bankers involved, leaving the country.
In this context of crisis, we choose an assembly to draft a new constitution setting out the lessons learned from the crisis and to replace the current one, a copy of the Danish constitution.
To do so, go directly to the sovereign people. 25 citizens are elected without political affiliation of the 522 who have submitted applications for which only needed to be older and have the support of 30 people.
The constitutional assembly will begin its work in February 2011 and submit a draft constitution based on the consensus recommendations at various meetings to be held across the country.
must be approved by the current Parliament and which formed after the legislative elections.
This is the brief history of Icelandic revolution: an entire government resigned en bloc, nationalization of banks, a referendum to let the people decide on the momentous economic decisions, imprisonment of those responsible for the crisis and rewriting of the constitution by the citizens.
Have we mentioned this in the European media?
Has commented on political gatherings radio?
Have you seen pictures of the events on TV? Of course not.
The Icelandic people have been able to give a lesson to all of Europe, to stand up to the system and giving a lesson in democracy to the world. Original
on Facebook of Pedro Rozas Terrados.

And I was telling a friend on Twitter : "100% @ msanrod P. Polls eg: Manifesto for Participatory Democracy http://t.co/DdfkOxK Street: State of Unrest http://t.co/Fv5cNil " .... We can also !
We know that we are much @ s it like that. Demos more steps on Twitter Proposed : Iceland
citizens give the world a lesson in Digg http://t.co/CC8RQB0
Info + Proposals 1, I follow tod @ sl @ s to do the RT We are here: Http://t.co/NRWG0ZA
2 º Sigamonos social virality creating another topic for us to know Many people think so but do not know
3 º tod @ s thank the RTs, comments and contributions on the blog, meneame, or Facebook can also
Stop being victims and we are masters of our fate
After the welcome we have own site, just dedicated to this subject in http://islandeses.wordpress.com


Monday, March 14, 2011

How Can I Play Pokemon Crystal On My Ipod Touch


The Super Moon will occur on March 19 when at its closest to earth this year. This happens to be a full moon, so it's time to prepare now. Luna Llena, in general, can wreak havoc, and this certainly will not go unnoticed by anyone. Get ready for what could be moderate to severe weather patterns, increased seismic activity, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions than usual. This phenomenon includes the days before the March 19 and subsequent days until around March 22. We have experienced extreme weather conditions in recent Super Moons in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005. Hurricane Katrina is an example of what happened in 2005 under the influence of the Moon Super. The moon has a strong gravitational pull on land that can control the tides and under certain conditions, additional causes strong tidal patterns as in the tsunami in Indonesia.
is the prediction of these events only this March, in particular, and could continue into April this year. The moon exerts a gravitational pull on the earth and the closer, more influential Super tiene.La Luna has a particular pull strong in the land because they are much closer to the earth during these phases. This March can be one of the worst months for weather and seismic activity yet this year. This may be that the moon has not been so close to Earth in 18 years. The coastal regions in particular, should prepare for strong and high tides. This is the second of three Super moons this year. One occurred in February, again in March and April "? These three months that marks a significant change in the activity of the land, along with gas leaks or explosions and earthquakes. Get your camera because this particular Super Moon will appear very large since it rises after sunset, because it will be the closest of the year. Right after the Super Luna, be prepared for more financial worries in the world, especially in the European bond market, increasing disruptions and oil and gas prices and everything that happens in panic mode.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Black Brown Purple Highlight Hair

PHRASES zp craziest

1 º. "They are unemployed, people who have signed up for unemployment."
2 º. "The crisis that there is debatable."
3 º. "While I am president there will be Ebro transfer. "
4 º. "Today we are better than a year ago and within a year we will be better than today"
5 º. "We are in the Champions League for the economy."
6 º. "The subprime mortgage crisis will not affect Spain, it is up to America."
7 º. "I will make parliament the center of national politics."
8 º. "Spain has the best financial system in the international community."
9. "We need our children receive a good education for the public to see the world in colors."
10 º. "UGT, I need your support and your love."
11 º. "As the 8 th world power, the envy of Europe and soon overtaken France as we have done with Italy."
12. "The right wing reactionaries has led to savage capitalism."
13 º. "Spain has become the heart of Europe."
14 º. "I strongly agree (in fine establishments which are labeled in Catalan)."
15 º. "Climate change causes more deaths than international terrorism."
16 º. "Climate change is one of the causes of the recession."
17 º. "The U.S. has plunged the world into crisis and the European Union you out of it."
18 º. "The question is not what Obama can do for us, but what can we do for Obama"
19 degrees. "The next legislature will achieve full employment in Spain. I do not want to short-term nature, I want definitive. "
20 º. "The crisis is a fallacy, pure catastrophism."
21 º. "The return to economic growth is imminent"
22 º. "Spain is not broken, is more united than ever"
23 º. "Spain is about to end the crisis, if not already done so"
24 º. "The earth does not belong to anyone, it belongs ... in the Wind."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Replace Celica Struts


not respect the worker,
and says he's a socialist,
robs the official,
and paralyzes the pensioner.
is compulsive liar, ignorant
evil and very viciously,
never was a person,
more damaging to Spain.
Since I can not say his name, I tell
with salt,
that if you vote this guy in the INEM
hope you

Monday, February 28, 2011

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When denouncing the socially negative impact of all the victims of false accusations, we tend to ignore its true meaning and all the impact of the Gender Violence Act has.

not only harms the innocent man, which is to be designated as pathologically guilty. Pathological say that this law considers that women have genes that make us innocent victims of man and make him abusive.

A law to prevent the abuse of women convert to another culprit hides gender necessarily vested interests that cover all the feminist groups and the business of pain created for the benefit and power of its own.

Everything that moves and feeds this law is rotten stomachs and grateful partisan slogans to comply with the letter. Shelters in the hands of people who increase their wealth without qualification, the least ethical and fairness, the less justice to house the true victims of abuse and their children.

Centers meeting in which reports to get a parent to see his son without being supervised, are almost always in the hands of women whose preparation for a task as serious, it is as little doubt. Psychosocial reports against the father out with the ease and frequency that the churros in the tail of an establishment which dispenses. Complaints

because I feel like against a parent fill the case against it, without inquiring whether the complaint is justified and punish the bold example of the complainant to be tempted to commit future same act, but it is suspected that many men fall on the same complaint, which they get when the regime ordered by a court order is breached, are in the trunk of usually forgetfulness.

The false allegations are a social time bomb, someday, with shame in the books to those who promoted and protected by laws terrible

phone calls from a father to a son can be used as harassment and admit a complaint procedure that may leave the sentence of banishment. The grotesque of this law has come to the tragedy of the relationship between parents and children and his affection for some crime of which his moral and mental state can not emerge unscathed.

Immorality certified as free rides, society doubt that this may be happening with the same stubbornness that they doubted the legitimacy of women to claim equal rights with men and, therefore in this section is not to deny that abuse and injustice to women there, on the contrary seems that these animals be able to commit now increase as the thistles in the field, while innocent men and children have to suffer the consequences of a law improvised, without the slightest responsibility for the consequences of its use in the hands of those lack of scruples and the entire judicial system in its service.

all in the impunity granted a law a few years ago will be remembered as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, but the consequences are still in the generations born from those who survived.

Victims extend to women who repudiate this law by refusing to be defended our rights under this system, the second male couples identified as criminals, to men themselves and especially to the children of these to which are denied the right to decide as a parent want to choose when and as you can see, to communicate with as many times as needed, unless a currency or an instrument of revenge for the mother whose genes do not prevent child abuse to avoid the affection that he may have toward his father.

Genes and gender do not exclude or characteristics that endow become good or bad, the measures in a divorce and custody can not be based on the generality, because each case and each person is different and the children of a estranged couple did not have to suffer the punishment of guilt that they have committed, in addition to stealing their children make your life a suffering whose consequences will always baggage that without knowing why, a law imposed on them.

once I become more simple means of transmitting the testimony of a young child who has asked to tell his story voluntarily, a child who has matured early and you want have the voice that denies justice to children. His father could have been the protagonist, however, to the desire of his son, has been reported to help tell their story.

For a Child under 11 years

iniuriam facilius facias quam
spheres "It is easier to commit an offense that support it." Publilius

My six years old my parents divorced. To my dear father took custody. Now I have five years battling ... One of the first words I remember more or less, shortly after my parents divorced, is one belonging to a phrase from my mother: "You are a bitter just like your father." That day my father was going to Denia with a friend.

My mother was hitting me for a long time, for the reason that I said that my father was good. One time, I was talking to my father by phone and he asked me if I were listening to the conversation, I do not want to lie, I said yes and then my mother hit me a slap.

When much time had passed these facts, I told my father beat me, then I took the report I stated that my mother hit me to defend it. Since then and the time when the complaint came to her, not hit me again.

Another thing I remember vividly, related to eliminate this type of situation is related, she left me by a friend of hers. Every Friday, when I do not want to stay in the school canteen, this lady took me to dinner at his house and asked why I could not go to lunch with my father instead of to her, she replied: "Because me what your mother says. "

That woman always had to put her daughter, my age, over others. I remember that One of the times, on a rainy day, where we picked up his daughter and the school, brought one umbrella where they were protected from the rain, her daughter and she left me behind and getting rained on, while my father helplessly watching the scene, because every day will see me at school.

This friend of my mother kept repeating that her daughter was amazing and I kind of jerk. So one day, while being observed by my father and a friend at the school gate, I decided to get away from that lady and seek civil guard barracks, calling to tell my father. They did not, but they called my mother, but I got it back to leave with that person so bad for me. On many occasions, I had told my mother that I wanted to stay with that woman, but made only case when the policeman explained to him the consequences if I continued running away.

After seeing that he could not hit me, chose to try to manipulate, demoralize and me against my father. Of course he has not succeeded. I say tried to manipulate me because I said
"You have to love me because I'm good."

Now an example of trying to demoralize:
"You will never be anything in the future if you're not with me."

And finally how was me against my father
"Your father is wrong, to me has stuck."

My answer to all three situations was also:
"I want to be with my father."

Now, I to have specific cases that I lived with my mother and I remember vividly without knowing exactly when they occurred: Mme tried to do the "ball" many times, buying expensive gifts or taking me to places and situations that were beyond their budget, since all the money you asked his parents.

remember last summer in which he had spent some time to be with my father, without him. The reason for this was that she encabezonó I wanted a holiday dates we had chosen my father and I for us in a year in which he played elect him and not be entrusted to God or the devil, I got on a bus and took me to people from their parents, without even letting me tell my father, who found my empty house to go for me.

That lady today, I can not talk to my father by phone, you have bars and locks on the windows, if I escape, I suppose, the door of the house is continuously be locked and the keys to good collection to keep me access to them, like the phone. There was an embarrassing

rain allegations which, none has achieved its goal was jailed my father, I know because I said so.
was as follows, I told her that my father would never come to me to school, so she replied:
"But I'll be making complaints to your father until he was thrown into prison."

has tried to keep my father going to my extracurricular activities, for example, my soccer games and practices, my fighting and karate training, not currently allowed, make sport, leisure or cultural one, in order to not see or be seen by my father.

Today I have pasted denies, denies that has tried to manipulate me and accused my father of it. Deny that I will raise my father to six years, which he indeed did, because, among other things, of course, because my father is retired and she works.

the beginning of the divorce, met in the village of his parents to my father's brothers and an older daughter that he had from a previous marriage, with the excuse that he wanted me to meet his entire family to which as she had not filed or did not remember. That same day, which brought them together, my sister and my mother devised a plan to jailed my father, while they tried to put his brothers against him accusing him of abusive. Felt they listened to their conversations while they assumed that I was distracted playing.

For people who think that all women are good, then turns to words a child who just turned eleven, to change their thinking.

Five times I went to testify before judges, all of them have said the same thing that my mother beat me for wanting to be with my father and I want to live with him, while I have to say that my father never done anything wrong, and I have to say this because of complaints prepared in order to kill it, actually, in prison.

I have been annoyed childhood, to be with my father and all these reasons, since he was seven, I want to be a lawyer, to defend innocent people, men or women.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cheat Soul Silver For Vba



Read carefully BOE on 29 November, plus a subsidy of 137,600 euros for gays, lesbians and transgender Triangle Foundation Peruvian ... call attention to the aid FOLLOWING:

not be missed.

• Association of Women in Conflict Zone. Morocco. Strengthening
civil society and social rights in the North of Morocco, serving to bridge the gap of inequality between the sexes. € 380,000.
Yes, yes. As in Morocco going to let the ladies get together to demand rights, send h. ..!
• NGO Terra
Pacific. Spain. The set of prime numbers, encouraging the participation of associations of disabled people, their teachers and parents associations. € 34,632.
It seems to me that we are cousins \u200b\u200b .
• Observatory on the implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), in the economic, social and cultural rights. Paraguay. Strengthening the right to food in 15 communities and human rights of peasants in Paraguay. € 326,928.
.....?. Why ... why                        
• Local Project. Morocco. Strengthening of local development, governance and citizenship in northern Morocco. € 203,220.
That, that, let Morito helping to then assemble in El Aaiun, Ceuta and Melilla, to put a fall from a cherry to our police, etc..
• PROYDE Association. Guinea Conakry. Program to Promote the business network in the technology sector in Guinea and youth employability through vocational training quality. € 520,872.
Yes, Guinea Conakry in the technology sector is booming .

• Institute for Policy Studies for Latin America and Africa. Spain. Implementation, adaptation of a management system for open source NGDOs and their dissemination in the sector. € 300,000.
coo .. But no, we agree that free software does cost a euro?

• AIDA, Aid, Trade and Development. Cambodia. Incorporate gender issues (gender incorrect, read sex) in aquaculture production and access to quality fish for the sustainable development of the sector in Cambodia .. € 207,000.
What bearing will have to see the issue of sex in aquaculture production? As lest the male fish are more valuable than fish females or vice versa I do not really explain it.
Foundation • Center for European Initiatives and Research In The Mediterranean .. Algeria. Support the development of associations of SMEs in Algeria. € 115,000.
that ours is seen with Morito is something special. Meanwhile our SMEs and our self drumming.
• AIDA, Aid, Trade Development. Lebanon. Empowerment and social inclusion of migrant workers in the Greater Beirut. € 288,867.
they not know about it. Lebanon is currently preferred destination
immigrant workers, and that with which there is mounted
. not what you plant, we take for Gilipoyas.                                     
Foundation • International Institute of Mediterranean Theatre.
Morocco. Al Mutamid program 10/11. € 550,000.
That, that we continue to Morocco are very friendly to us!. In addition to the latest they have done and as they say are assemblies of the English press theatrical "?                              
• English Society of Ornithology. Morocco. Strengthening of NGOs for implementation of environmental commitments in Morocco. € 79,300.
Coñeee an NGO dedicated to the protection of birds
(according to my neighbor Secamée must be protected, are fried riquisimos ).                                                                                           Ub
• Solidarity Foundation. Vietnam. Sustainable management of wastewater in peri-rural areas of
Quang Ning and Hanoi of Vietnam. € 152,720. Interesting
project well into the sewer promote rural Vietnamese.
• Associacio Cooperacció
. Nicaragua. Nicaragua Northern women for equality, freedom and justice. € 287,165.
Meanwhile, in Spain, with the same date we issued the aid killed 65 women victims of domestic violence. No money to protect them.

• Initiatives for International Development (ICID) . Tunisia. AMAL strengthened capacities for socio-professional reinsertion of single mothers in Tunisia as a mechanism for defending their rights. € 263,966.
Man, what needed!. Single mothers in Tunisia je!. I believe you. (the stoning doing his religion).

Of course there are grants anyone think that discuss: Cruz Red Intermon Osfam, Farmacéticos Mundi, etc ..., but others fall by their own weight. And that our country did not spare the money.
It is unacceptable to grant such subsidies while the pensioners are freezing pensions and staff salaries will be trimmed. And of course first and foremost as have 5,000,000 unemployed. They have no shame !!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡ ;

• Come to bankruptcy unprecedented in the history of Spain
• All these aberrations the pay the ordinary and
several generations. The next generation, our children will be the first to live worse than their predecessors.

Is it possible that more than 50% of this money will end up in numbered accounts in Switzerland, Cayman etc. ?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tais Araujo Y Reynaldo Gianecchini 2010


A farmer is heading to his neighbor and says,

Companion Pepe, you know you are socialists and socialism, said to be shared whatever it takes, and as you have two donkeys and I have none, you should give me one.

Pepe's partner did not see it very clear that socialism, but said: "If so, take one. And the neighbor took the donkey.

Soon Pepe's wife arrived and, not seeing the donkey, asked her husband:

- And the donkey is missing where is she?

Pepe told him that the neighbor had told him of socialism and had to share.

- Well, if that is so, he has two cows and we have none. Go and give you one! Pepe

talk to the neighbor and told his wife's reasoning:

- Fellow neighbor, as you have two cows have come to take one. Answer

fellow neighbor

- No, Comrade Pepe,
This socialism is only for donkeys!

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Be A Sweeper For Nba Teams

.... All that a person receives without working for, another person must work for it, but without receiving ......
****************************** *********** ***************************** ******************* * ***************

THE POLITICAL DOG \u200b\u200b

Meeting at a picnic
1 - engineer ordered his dog
Scalimetre , show your skills!
  • The dog grabbed a hammer, a draw and loaded the only one pound.
  • Everyone agreed it was unbelievable.

2-The accounting said his dog could do better:
Cash Flow , show your skills!
  • The dog went to the kitchen, returned with 24 cookies and divided into 8 piles of 3 cookies each.
  • Everyone agreed it was cool ..
3 - chemical said his dog could do even better:
oxide , show your skills!
  • oxide walked to the fridge, took a liter milk, peeled a banana, she used the blender and made a smoothie.
  • all agreed it was awesome.

4 - computer knew I could beat them all:
Megabyte , do it!
  • Megabyte across the room, turned on the computer, checked if he had the virus, improved operating system, sent an e-mail and installed a excellent game. Everyone knew that this was very difficult to overcome.

political looked askance at him and said,
And his dog, what can you do ...?

5 - political called his dog and said
Deputy , show your skills!
  • Deputy is up a jump,
  • ate cookies,
  • took the beating,
  • shit on the carpet,
  • deleted all the files on your computer,
  • gave the ass the other four dogs,
  • occupied the kennel with a false title
  • claimed immunity ....


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Are There Any Software Like Jib Jab


The most familiar way to intimidate Muslims and, subconsciously, make some ownership of Western societies is that of terrorism. But there is a more subtle influence on people who receive them, is the demographic tactics.

Muslim women, unlike Westerners, do not use contraceptives and are encouraged to bear many children. It is common to see families with 10 or 12 children. This situation generates a numerical imbalance in places where they migrate, and is used to impose on the host society, to eventually become a majority. The maneuver is practiced in Israel and the Palestinians in Lebanon by Shiite and Sunni, and in Europe by the Mohammedans in general, where there are already 54 million.

until 1979 were virtually no Muslims in Copenhagen. The Danes received kindly to strangers, feeling proud of their liberal socialism had ousted the Conservatives in 1929, and stood out for its socio-economic success. Denmark

strove to be an open society where newcomers offered the same benefits as their nationals. The crime was extremely low, exceptional educational level, and accompanied by an impressive history of humanism and multiculturalism.

By 1990 the Muslim population had grown and showed no interest to integrate into Danish society, but rather began to condemn its liberal lifestyle, which they consider decadent.

In an article published by Daniel Pipes and Lars Hedegaard in which predicted that the immigration problem would explode in Denmark, reported:
"Muslim immigrants make up five percent of the population but consume 40 percent of social assistance." "Muslims are only four percent of the Danish population of 5.4 million, but form the majority of convicted rapists, an inflammable matter, considering that virtually all non-Muslim victims. Similar proportions are evident in other crimes. "

A recent study shows that only five percent of Danish Muslims marry. Islamic customs dictate that their daughter marry a relative Mohammedan otherwise subject to the death penalty, which of course scares the Scandinavians.
Islamists have no respect for the customs and rules of place, and preach openly introduce Koranic laws when people reach the greatest number. At the current rate in 40 years one in three people will be Muslim.

is not surprising then, that in 2005 had an outbreak of street violence over the publication of caricatures of Muhammad in the Danish press, which was topped with the suicide attack on Denmark embassy in Pakistan last week, which Al Qaeda claimed responsibility.

In 2001, Danes chose their most conservative government in 70 years leaving behind their generous immigration ideas. Today Denmark has the strictest laws in Europe in this field, which has been branded a "racist" by the European liberal press.
Today, if you want to be Danish, you must study the language three years, must pass a test on Denmark's history and culture, must have lived seven years in the country to apply for citizenship must show willingness to work, and you have a job waiting. If you want to bring a spouse, both spouses must be over 24 years, and do not find it so easy to take your friends and family.
You can not build a mosque in Copenhagen , but your children will have around 30 schools of Arabic language and culture to choose from.

In 2006, the Employment Minister Claus Hjort Frederiksen, said
Muslims have abused the social security system to such an extent that could eventually lead to the state bankruptcy.

Immigration Minister Rikke Hvilshoj noted for its firmness in applying the law. To test the minister, the radical imam Ahmed Abdel Rahman Abu Laban, demanded monetary compensation, "to quench the thirst for revenge family "for a Muslim who was murdered in a suburb. Hvilshoj dismissed the claim, to what the imam argued that this was customary in Islamic culture. The minister replied that what is done in Muslim countries is not necessarily what is done in Denmark. The response was immediate. set fire to his house while he slept with her husband and children. All were saved, but had to move to a secret place, and both she and other ministers For the first time they were assigned bodyguards, in a country where violence was unusual.

What happens in the next decade will determine whether Denmark survives as a bastion of civilized life with its high humanistic sense and social responsibility, or whether he will become a nation in civil war against the promoters of the sari.

Spain ¡¡¡¡¡ When we realize the reality will be too late !!!!!!
WHEN you see your neighbor BEARD CUTTING PON yours to soak

Pregnancy Safe Shampoo And Conditioner


This is the comment most voted an online journal about the new ban on smoking in public places

I think I will have to amend my place again with the new law: no music or TV, to avoid having to pay the mafia SGAE and you can not smoke or wear crucifixes, let alone hunting bulls and only serve juices and vegetable skewers, but to attract young customers put a lot of condoms, a point ; dispensing the morning-after pill and pamphlets on abortion clinics and will divide it into compartments more or less intimate for couples of kids to "intimate." All legal!
contraceptives and abortions to total free bulk, but I do not smoke that public health ruined me!

For my taste has lacked any reference to VETERAN cognac can not serve, because it is men and can disturb Zerolo.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lorna Morgan Shaving Preggo


That is much more common today than you know ... other reality shows ... nor does it have to be quiet ...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Brent Everett Full Movies


A paper de George Carlin

This is a masterpiece. If you have not read, take time to read. If you already read it, take the time to reread.
GEORGE CARLIN (His wife died recently.)
> Not surprisingly, George Carlin, comedian of the year 70 and 80, could write something so eloquent.

The paradox of our time is that we have taller buildings and temperaments more reduced, wider roads and points narrower view. We spend more but have less, we buy more but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller family, more convenience and less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge but less ability to judge, more experts but more problems, more medicine but less wellness.

drink too much, smoke too much, we waste too much, laugh too little, drive too fast, get angry too, reveals too much, woke up tired, read too little, watch TV and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too little and hate too often.

We have learned to make a living, but not to live. Add years to our lives, not life to years. We managed to get to and from the moon, but it makes it difficult to cross the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not the interior. We have done great things, but not better.

We cleared the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom but not our prejudice. We write more but learn less. We plan more but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. Produce computers that can process more information and disseminate it, but we communicate less and less.

These are times of fast foods and slow digestion, men of great stature and shortness of character, of enormous economic gains and superficial human relations. Today there are two incomes but more divorce, more luxurious houses but broken homes. These are times of quick trips, disposable diapers, moral disposable acostones one night, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer and soothe, even kill. Are times that much in the window and very little in the cellar. Time when technology can make you get this letter, and that you can choose to share these thoughts or simply delete them. Remember

spend some time with your loved ones because they will not be here forever.

Remember to be friendly with a man I admire, because that little person soon will grow and away from you.

Remember to hug a friend you have around because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart, without you cost a penny. Remember

say I love you your partner and your loved ones, but mostly say it sincerely. A kiss and a hug can repair an injury when given with all my heart.

Remember to take your hand with your loved one and cherish the moment, because one day this person will not be with you.

Take time to love and to talk and share your most cherished ideas.

And always remember:

Life is not measured by the number of times that we breath, but for the extraordinary times we are removed.
George Carlin

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Does The Gray Dot Mean On Facebook Chat

The author of this text works in a refinery for 31 years. So can you take seriously the tricks and then exposed to maximize their fuel and therefore money. Hope you find them helpful.
1st Tip: Fill the tank temprano.La morning and soil temperature is lower. All service stations have their underground tanks. To be cooler the earth, the density of petrol and diesel is smaller. The opposite happens during the day, the soil temperature rises, and fuel tend to expand. For the latter, if you fill the tank at noon, afternoon or evening, a liter of fuel will be exactly one liter.

In the petroleum industry, the specific gravity and temperature of soil, play an important role.

Where I work, every load of fuel in the truck is carefully controlled with respect to temperature. For every gallon poured into the tank truck is accurate.

2 º Hint: When filling the tank, do not squeeze the handle of the pump to the maximum.
Depending on the pressure exerted on the handle, the pump speed can be slow, medium or high. Always choose the slowest mode and save more money.
when getting slower, less steam is created, and most of the spill becomes a fully effective. All vapor return hoses sourcing to the tank.
If filling up to the maximum squeezing the handle a certain percentage of the precious liquid that enters the tank becomes vapor and returns through the tube supplier to the railyard. Thus, they get less fuel for your money.

3rd Tip: Fill the tank before it drops below half.
The more fuel in the tank has less air there is in it. The fuel evaporates more quickly than you think.
Large refinery tank tanks have floating roofs on the inside, keeping the air separated from the fuel, in order to keep evaporation to a minimum.

4 º Tip: Do not fill the tank when the tanks are filling the petrol station and immediately later.
If you get to the service station and see a tanker truck is refilling the underground tanks of the same, or just fill, avoid, if possible, fill up on that station at that time.
When filling the tanks, remove the remaining fuel on them and the bottom sediments. So run the risk of messy refueling.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Decline To Birthday Invitation?


For those who do not know the concept of looping, a term created by the computer to define an entanglement of the many that have been created and for which no simple explanation to clarify the problem.
Making little effort to try to explain this famous short term.
is said that a computer program "went into a looping" as when the following situation occurs:
the director called his secretary and says,
- Vanessa: I have a seminar in Argentina for a week and want to accompany me to meet my partner. Make travel arrangements ...
The secretary called to her husband
- Hey John, I will travel abroad with the director for a week. You will have to be alone this week, dear.
The husband calls his lover:
- Leonor, my treasure: The witch is going to travel abroad for a week, we will spend the week together, my Queen ...
The lover calls the child who gives private lessons:
- Manuelito: I have a lot of work next week ... You do not have to come to class ...
The boy calls his grandfather
- Hey Grandpa: Next week I have no classes, my teacher is busy. So finally ... We will be able to spend the week together!
's grandfather (who is the director in this story) called Secretary:
- Vanessa, come quick: Stop the ride, I will spend the next week with my grandson a year ago I do not see, so we will not participate in the seminar. Cancel the trip and the hotel.
The secretary called to her husband
- John: The clown of the director changed his mind and just canceled the trip, they screwed up going to Argentina.
The husband calls his lover:
- Amorcito, apology: We can not spend the next week together, the journey of my wife's busty was canceled.
The lover boy called tutorials:
- Manuelito: Look, I changed my plans, this week I'm going to teach as usual.
The child calls the grandfather
- Grandfather: Weighing my teacher told me this week if I have normal classes, I'm sorry, I will not be able to keep you company.
grandfather calls the secretary:
- Vanessa: My grandson has just said that it will not be able to be with me this week because he has classes. So continue with the preparations for the trip to a seminar ...
¿Do you became clear what a looping ...???

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver Illustrated Walkthrough

Dear Mr. Rodriguez Zapatero: The shareholders of the Company Spain SA, which to date you held the position of manager, in view of results of management during the six years that has held its management, has decided to dispense with professional services with immediate effect.
Our decision did not influence any kind of personal animosity, even if you have committed to appear prone to personal confrontation, we would say that almost guerracivilista. It is therefore our own, a decision based solely on data obtained from bad management and, why not add in the false promises made to shareholders.
seems especially serious, the monumental ERE, estimated at five million people, which has brought you out. Moreover if we consider that, in his early years in office, promised a massive job creation, to meet our future expansion, we would end up leading to outweigh the benefits of our company rival, France SA
not left us satisfied, his bad bargain with labor unions, which has tied to our company over the years. The policy of constant concessions to pressure groups, without any request for production-offs, has stalled the operating account of the corporation, making them less competitive in foreign markets.
of unspeakable branded its policy of excessive spending, for which he has used all assets had hoarded for years, including pension plans humble our workers who now are in more dire situation, face the possibility of later retirement.
Similarly we show contrary, in consideration of merits to hold executive positions in this society, as more seem to be guided by emotional or ideological affinities, that occupational training. Example of this lack of discretion in the choice, the decisions are reversed, we have been experiencing in recent times.
also consider their failure scholarship policy of the company, under two prisms abundantly clear. On the one hand, its lack of support for the creation of new English (future employees of this company and contributing to our pension schemes) permitting abortions on demand or pills that lead to this end. On the other hand, his nefarious policy training in this company (you pompously baptized as Citizenship Education), incapacitating the incorporation of the trainees, because of the low level of knowledge you have imparted.
could expand much more as in the case of a persistent neglect of the families who have lost a server of the company in carrying out their professional work, the corporate deficit his team has generated, the arbitrariness of his concept of justice based on the ideas of each worker rewards related groups by the mere fact of being, as opposed to the general interests of that company and its employees, its desire to achieve the decommissioning of the unity of our corporation, plot, its flawed measures dunks in his own brilliance, in the interests of those we have hired, his permanent absence from work, their costs to our office in unproductive travel, accompanied by his whole family, his handling of the resources of the corporation for personal gain or that of their relatives, their expansion projects with companies lacking in reliability as Venezuela SA, Bolivia SA or Cuba SA, a limitation to the internal electronic information stockholders and employees of this agency, and his handling of it to obtain the glorification of his disastrous management, and endless stem similar actions, which led to Spain SA, which in recent times had a more than healthy accounts, a state bordering on bankruptcy, insolvency and bankruptcy.
For all these reasons, as indicated at the beginning of this letter, so we decided to dispense with their services so explosive. We hope that in the next fortnight, vacate his office and give the keys to the house that the company, by way of loan granted to it for the comfort of you and your family.
Needless to add, farewell cordially
Shareholders of Spain, SA