Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tais Araujo Y Reynaldo Gianecchini 2010


A farmer is heading to his neighbor and says,

Companion Pepe, you know you are socialists and socialism, said to be shared whatever it takes, and as you have two donkeys and I have none, you should give me one.

Pepe's partner did not see it very clear that socialism, but said: "If so, take one. And the neighbor took the donkey.

Soon Pepe's wife arrived and, not seeing the donkey, asked her husband:

- And the donkey is missing where is she?

Pepe told him that the neighbor had told him of socialism and had to share.

- Well, if that is so, he has two cows and we have none. Go and give you one! Pepe

talk to the neighbor and told his wife's reasoning:

- Fellow neighbor, as you have two cows have come to take one. Answer

fellow neighbor

- No, Comrade Pepe,
This socialism is only for donkeys!


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