Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pressure Point Period To Start

Binta and the great Rocky

Binta is a 7 year old African girl who lives in a humble village Senegal. She goes to school, but her cousin Soda does not let his father who is very authoritarian and conservative ideas. Binta's father on the other hand is a very nice humble fisherman, who looks after your daughter goes to school "to learn what is in the books." This is concerned with what a friend tells the world of Tubab (the West) and decides to ask her daughter to help him write a letter to express it.

Javier Fesser directed this short film to be part of the film "In the world all the time", a film to defend the rights of children sponsored by UNICEF. In this film managers participated Patricia Ferreira, Pere Joan Ventura, Chus Gutierrez, Javier Corcuera, Javier Fesser, with the passage of the latter which I comment on this entry.

is a pretty short only 30 minutes long, which expresses a very deep from the point of view of Binta, a 7 year old African girl who even learn to read and write.
Notice that from now on will develop some ideas about the short, so it is best to put the video here, and when you see, as you read on. It is very cortito so give him a chance to Binta.

Binta's big idea, developed two very important. One, the most obvious is the need of education for all children in the world. As Victor Hugo said, basic education should be compulsory and secondary education provided for the whole world. This will allow the lighting of society, eliminating the monsters that Ignorance creates.

The other is deeper, and though it's short name is the main idea, we could be blinded to the first. Javier Fesser suggests that the Western world is on track. Production, mass media, are making us cold and inhuman. Binta's father thinks his friend and is afraid of what they own rather than wonder. No live better, despite all the technology, or have more free time, even for the closest. We become machines in the machines that dream one day we would remove hard work. This has to permeate the consciousness of everyone.

And with that term, a small outline, because although I'd write more, is well aware that few will get to this line. Among them, my girl, some stalwarts, and who should read this entry (Excuse Andre but he deserves it) my good friend Irene, who was a missionary a couple of months (if I mistake) to Africa, who reads this blog forever, and This has probably already seen this movie: Body, hats off.

A hug to everyone and again, as always, Snack of Little Horrors.


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