Sunday, February 28, 2010

How Much Panadol Causes An Overdose

Movies Pulp Fiction in 30 seconds (starring rabbits)

pure hand some rabbits that take away the chaff to the movies and leave bones and laugh.

Angry Alien is a website where they can see hilarious animations Flash of plus or minus 30 seconds, which is compressed the action of the best movies of cinema. There's everything from Jurassic Park Pulp Fiction, through War of the Worlds, Titanic, King Kong, Die Hard, Twilight, and many many more.

Grace, this course is to see the parody when you've seen the movie to laugh, since they are in English and rodent accent just does not catch very well. But if your partner left you a movie you have not seen and only have 30 seconds before seeing to get an idea is a good solution.

I leave the link on the page so that you laugh a bit. Http://

Ah! And speaking of abstracts quickies. For fans like me of Half Life, there is one that I found it funny. Attentive to the final which is to Descojonado. (For those who have not played and we have seen, do not panic if you have not played is not funny)

And another hilarious tip of Left 4 Dead.

A hug and return to Little Snack of Horrors!


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