Monday, February 16, 2009

Polyp- Like Lump On Palate

The echo of ecology

My mother always said that it seemed he preaches in the desert when you try to correct my perfect disorder. Today there are other preachers who occupy me, who have spent decades proclaiming the disaster. Speaking from different points of view, because the ecology is now an empty word, almost as much as thing, a wild card.
We are all environmentalists. Do not mention it! And lately I get strange echoes phrases. Eco-running, eco-socialism, eco-campus ... It almost seems it was fashionable.
When the boss wants to dilute a word, a concept, an idea so powerful and dangerous, adapts to your vocabulary. And worst of all is that they work. We were tired of hearing that we recycle. We use public transport. We close the windows when the heat is on ... For the environment, already said that, the other half killed him our ancestors, and sustainability. Needless to say, is the sustainability of an unsustainable system, exacerbated consumption, with which we have to stop. Missing
actions by these governments as green as gray theory and in practice. A friend told me that humans have gotten to smell bad colors, the connotation of that charge. Well. Do not let this fight. Because being green is first and foremost be aware, be certain that what is in our hands is very small, but important, compared to the big decisions that are not taking in deliveries, which is where unfortunately out the measures that could improve the situation.

Being green is not being a lucid and visionary. And much least progress. It's just keep our feet on the ground. If anyone has spare another world, say it. For those who wear the green label on the front and out in the photo, buy carbon dioxide emissions economically poorer countries.
not be easy being green for those who buy for his birthday, an island. And hence, to think that the world is yours ... There is one step.


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